
Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I just finished Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer, book three of the Nightshade series. I loved this book. I mean L-O-V-E-D it. From the moment it downloaded to my Kindle, I couldn’t think of anything but reading it. (Well, there was some laundry in there, but that’s something else entirely.) It was awesome, because in the months leading up to the Bloodrose release, this was me: 

I REALLY wanted to know how this awesome series would end, and there was tons of speculation everywhere you looked: reviews, blogs, twitter, etc. Everyone had an opinion of what would happen and of what should happen. (Not always the same thing LOL) There were many, many questions to be answered and the matter of a certain love triangle to resolve. I was simultaneously anxious to see what would happened and horrified by the possibility of what *could* happen. After the urging from several twitter friends - you know who you are! - I bit the bullet and dove in. 
I like and can even identify with Calla Tor, the main character and should-be alpha of her pack. Both main contenders for Calla’s affections, Ren & Shay, are great characters with their own strengths & weaknesses. (I’ve been Team Shay since Nightshade, but I think I’m in the minority.) This series also has several supporting characters I LOVE - namely Nev, Mason & Connor. They provide lots of comic relief along the way. 
Bloodrose drew me in from the first page - it moved at a fast pace and never a dull moment. It had the 3 A’s of YA: action, adventure and angst.  I love when a series wraps up, because all those questions that have been dogging you along the way are answered. I wasn’t disappointed here; all the loose ends are tied up neatly albeit on an emotional roller coaster. You will laugh and cry, but the one thing you should NOT do is be afraid to take the journey. It’s worth it!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

I've always felt like the new year marks the end of the holiday season - as a kid this was reinforced by returning to school. Christmas is a favorite time of year for me, but the days and weeks after are a slight let down. Many of my friends & family start taking down decorations on December 26th as if the passing of Christmas officially declares the celebration closed. They pack their merriment away in tiny boxes and proceed in search of the next holiday. Me? I want to grab hold of the holiday cheer and never let go.

I'm not very good at goodbyes, so ringing in the new year is HARD. Everywhere you look you see Top 10 lists and Most Memorable Moments - signs that the year as we know it is coming to an end. While I reflect on what has happened during the course of a year, I struggle to sift through it looking for those moments that are the diamonds in the rough. I want to roll it all up - the good & the bad - into a big ball and keep on going into the next year. I don't want to leave anything behind, don't want to acknowledge the start of something NEW. I'd prefer to think of life as one big journey that goes on and on like the worst run-on sentence you've ever encountered. Then I never have to say goodbye to anything, but rather greet the next year as a new friend I've met along the way.

In 2012 I've decided that I'm ready for one new beginning - a book blog. We'll see how this goes. :)